Legal services
Specialists of Nevatech Consulting LLC, which is part of the Cargo-Port Spb Group of Companies, offer their clients a wide range of legal services.
Specialists of Nevatech Consulting LLC, which is part of the Cargo-Port Spb Group of Companies, offer their clients a wide range of legal services.
Legal support for business activities of enterprises.
Written and oral consultations
Expertise, preparation of a foreign economic contract, agreement
Experienced specialists will study the contract offered to you for signing and give it a legal assessment. We will identify possible negative consequences of signing the contract and give recommendations on how to amend the text. We will perform work to support the conclusion of an agreement, including: negotiating with your counterparty on signing an agreement and / or amending it, settling pre-contractual disputes, checking the authority to conclude an agreement, etc.
The fate of a business project often depends on the success of negotiations. The participation of our specialist in negotiations with counterparties will help to reach a compromise between the parties, to warn the client against accepting unfavorable conditions. We will help you evaluate and minimize all legal risks of the transaction.
Representing interests in court.
Preparation of statements of claim and other procedural documents
If your rights have been violated, we will help you prepare a statement of claim in court. Before drawing up procedural documents, our employees will carefully study all available documents, assess the prospects for litigation, make a forecast of the possible behavior of the opposing party and develop a strategy for conducting the process.
Representation in courts of general jurisdiction, arbitration courts
Our company provides legal representation in arbitration courts and in courts of general jurisdiction at all stages of judicial proceedings.
If your rights have been violated, we will help you prepare a statement of claim in court. Before drawing up procedural documents, our employees will carefully study all available documents, assess the prospects for litigation, make a forecast of the possible behavior of the opposing party and develop a strategy for conducting the process.
Our experts will protect your interests in court with all possible tact and forethought.
Presenting enforcement documents for collection
Executive proceedings – independent stage of the trial. His task – correct and timely execution of judicial acts, however, with illiterate actions, this stage can drag on for years, and sometimes be completely ineffective.
In order to avoid a negative result in the execution of judicial acts, our specialists will draw up an application and submit it to the proper bailiff service, control the timeliness and legality of the actions of the bailiff, and, if necessary, appeal against his actions.
Proceedings on cases of administrative offenses, appeal against actions (decisions) of officials
When running a business effectively, it is difficult to avoid a conflict between your interests and the interests of the state represented by the customs authorities.
Customs authorities may:
- adjust the customs value of the goods you import;
- to initiate an administrative offense case in connection with the committed violations of the customs legislation;
- wrongfully refuse to release goods;
- exercise administrative pressure on traders, slowing down the procedures for the release of goods, endlessly requesting additional documents, etc.
In the process of customs clearance of goods, it can be difficult to defend one's interests and prove one's case, since it takes a lot of time, and every day the cargo is in the customs control zone, as you know, entails losses, lost profits, damaged relationships with partners. However, litigation on customs and administrative legislation in the North-Western region is also resolved in favor of importers. Using our legal experience and administrative resources in such matters, we are ready to offer you our assistance in resolving disputes with customs authorities.
Registration of legal entities, making changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
Registration of LLC and PBOYuL
Our company will do the work for you to prepare a set of documents required for registering an LLC or PBOYuL, including: application for registration, the charter of the organization being registered, an agreement on establishment, a protocol on establishment, a document for a legal address. We will carry out the registration within 5 working days from the date of signing the set of documents provided to you.
Introducing changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
Including: changing the name of the organization, changing the legaladdress, change of manager, change in economic activity, change of company owners.
Our company also provides comprehensive legal services on all legal issues that arise for organizations or individual entrepreneurs in the course of doing business.
Our Partners
Outside opinion

- Address : 196084, St. Petersburg, Zastavskaya st., 31, building 2
- Office hours : 10:00 — 18:00 UTC+3
Phone number
: +7 911 009-26-23
Email :